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Version: 3.x.x

Migration guide

Now the this flugin uses the swift facebook sdk 9.1.0 and the android facebook sdk 9.1.0

If you have a previous version of flutter_facebook_auth: 3.2.0 you need to remove that version from your pubspec.yaml

sdk: flutter
url_launcher: ^6.0.2
flutter_facebook_auth: 3.1.1 # <-- REMOVE THIS

Now run the command flutter pub get. Next you need remove the previos version of the facebook sdk from your Podfile.lock (only iOS) just run the next command

cd ios && pod install

The above command will remove the old dependencies from the Podfile.lock file. Now add the new version of this plugin in your pubspec.yaml

!> For web the flutter_facebook_auth.js file is not more need it and in your index.html you only need to add the facebook sdk script (check the new documentation).

!> The FacebookAuthException class was removed now you need to use the LoginResult class to check if your login was successful.

 final LoginResult result = await FacebookAuth.instance.login();
if (result.status == LoginStatus.success) {
final accessToken = result.accessToken;
} else {