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Version: 7.0.0

App Tracking Transparency

Since iOS 14.5 all apps that they want to track the user activity to share data across others providers needs to request the AppTrackingTransparency permission.

If you want to track the user activity after the login process follow the next steps.

In your Info.plist add the FacebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled key only if you don't have it and set the value to false


Also if you don't have the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key you need to add it

<string>Your reason, why you want to track the user</string>

Next you need to ask to the user about the AppTrackingTransparency permission. To do that you can use permission_handler

final status = await Permission.appTrackingTransparency.request();
if (status == PermissionStatus.granted) {
await FacebookAuth.i.autoLogAppEventsEnabled(true);
print("isAutoLogAppEventsEnabled:: ${await FacebookAuth.i.isAutoLogAppEventsEnabled}");

You can use FacebookAuth.i.isAutoLogAppEventsEnabled to check if the AutoLogAppEvents are enabled.

For more info check the example folder.