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Version: 7.0.0

Get the user information

To get the user information just call to getUserData method.

final userData = await FacebookAuth.instance.getUserData();
// or FacebookAuth.i.getUserData()

Only call getUserData method if you have an user Logged

Expected response Map<String,dynamic>:

"email" = "",
"id" = 3003332493073668,
"name" = "Darwin Morocho",
"picture" = {
"data" = {
"height" = 50,
"is_silhouette" = 0,
"url" = "",
"width" = 50,

by default the getUserData method requests the name, email and picture profile. If you want to get to other user info you need to use the fields param.

For example if you want to get the user birthday, friends, gender and link you need first make a login request with these permissions.

final result = await FacebookAuth.i.login(
permissions: ['email', 'public_profile', 'user_birthday', 'user_friends', 'user_gender', 'user_link'],
if (result.status == LoginStatus.success) {
final userData = await FacebookAuth.i.getUserData(
fields: "name,email,picture.width(200),birthday,friends,gender,link",